From September 25 to 28 was held in Seville the Eurovent Summit, which brings together all European companies related to air conditioning and refrigeration and that are part of its certification program. This year's theme was "Long Live Connectivity! The objective of this biennial meeting is to make...

The objective of this biennial meeting is to make a joint on the most important decisions to be taken on current issues of the sector.

Within the framework of this Summit, was also held the symposium of the Spanish industry of air conditioning and refrigeration in which there were around 150 registered of the 400 who participated in the summit.

The inauguration of the symposium was in charge of Doña Natalia González Hereza, director general of the industry, energy and mines of Andalusia, with the intervention of Don Roberto Solsona, president of AEFYT and general director of Frost-Trol; Mr. Luis Mena, president of affect and Mr. José María Raya, Vice-president of AFAR.

During the day we could clarify many concepts related to the directives of ecodesign and labelling, the advantages of being certified in the EUROVENT program or the aid that can be obtained from the national and regional administrations with the use of greener energies.

A new edition of the Eurovent Summit is closed; The next appointment is scheduled for the year 2020 in Turkey.